1 Year - 12 Month - 365 Day Warranty with all of our products

We believe in our products. We’re confident your adult toys will perform because we put the time and effort into rigorous testing before presenting each model. Therefore, we confidently offer you a 1-year warranty from the date of purchase. To be eligible for our warranty, you must register your product by completing the form below within two weeks of receiving your shipment.

Also, please send your full name, order number, shipping address and a short video of your failure to [email protected] to qualify for a warranty replacement. Please note that the warranty does not cover water damage to the item.

Because no matter how much we insist on our products, we will always choose customer’s satisfaction first!

*Emails entered anywhere on this site are automatically added to our marketing lists and are considered opt-in. Your email is never shared with anyone else. If you don’t want to be on our subscribers email list, you can contact us directly to have it removed, or when you get the first email (about one or two a month), you can use the unsubscribe button at the bottom.

One Year Warranty

Please fill out the form to the best of your ability, if you are unable to complete the required sections please contact us at [email protected]